How far along: 20 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +5 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Definitely for all bottoms that would usually button... I'm still wearing normal shirts and elastic bottoms (skirts, workout shorts). I can wear some normal dresses and enjoying the comfort of some maternity dresses.
Stretch Marks: Nope!
Sleep: Going really well! As long as I get to bed before like 10pm I can wake up on time and not need a nap all day. Its the little victories :)
Best moment this week: Telling everyone the gender via the scavenger hunt!!
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Movement: SO MUCH KICKING!!! Caidyn is definitely a big mover - Brian enjoys feeling and is sometimes so surprised how forceful she is!
Food Cravings: I really love mozzarella sticks and glazed doughnuts. But because of that I feel gross and then crave healthy stuff. Right now I want black beans - they just sound so healthy!
Anything making you queasy or sick: At first I was really emotional about not guessing Caidyn's gender right. I felt like my mom intuition was already wrong and I didn't even know her at all. But the more I've thought about it the more I realize that I have so much time to get to know her, and if I am really honest with myself, stopped being sure she was a boy about 3 weeks ago. So maybe my intuition is just a bit slower... which is ok because I have 4ish months until it needs to be super fast!
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes! And I'm enjoying showing off the pregnant belly with fitted shirts - something I avoided like the plague until about 2 weeks ago!
Gender Prediction: Ultrasound said girl!
Bellybutton in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On. But I'm not sure for how long. Whenever I get warm like by going outside my fingers swell up. I got a second wedding band for our first anniversary that was sized a little big - and I never got it resized for this occasion. When my engagement ring/first wedding band combo starts to be too tight I think they'll go into the safe deposit box and I'll just wear the bigger, skinnier, second wedding bad.
Moody at all: Yeah... I feel bad for Brian. Its just dawning on me we'll have a little baby and as prepared as I felt mentally I know feel like I have no clue what to do with a baby! I'm excited that at our next Dr's appt at the end of this month we'll get information about classes!
Looking forward to: Summer! And camp! And wearing a t-shirt and shorts and sneakers every day of the week! It will help me stay in good shape since I'l already be dressed for a workout and also make it easier to get dressed since its all elastic waistbands :)