And the beginning of the school year was busy.
On a Brian and I note - we both received promotions at work! I am now a full time science coach and Brian is now the Service Delivery Manager for the Marriott North America Account!
Because of that we have both been super super busy. And I just suck at this whole blogging thing. But I promise some updates!
1: This is not new but I was recently tagged in this pic from our wedding which I LOVE! I hadn't seen this picture before and it was super exciting!

2: Caidyn's room is done! It has come together exactly as I had hoped and different than I had hoped all at the same time. I'm still not sold on the curtains with all the pink... but I don't hate it enough to buy new ones!

3: I had my 25th birthday!!!! It was on August 30 and I celebrated by dinner with the family on Friday (actual b-day) and then a fro-yo crawl with some friends and family on Saturday night!

For my birthday Brian surprised me with a trip to the Peabody hotel to say goodbye to the ducks! Hyatt bought the hotel and the ducks are a Peabody thing so it was neat to see them! And, I found out he even booked a prenatal massage for me!!! I know. It was amazing. No picture of that though...
I feel like I should include this looking back... but it wasn't happy exciting...
I got heat exhaustion... on August 7 I was driving out to school to do some before I actual start back at work prepping... (teachers - we are so dedicated). On the side of the road was a puppy with a collar on. I guess I should say it wasn't a puppy but a dog. A decent sized like 60-70lb boxer mix. But he was cute. So I stopped and got in touch with the owners and was trying to get him to come in my car home. But he wouldn't get in my car #strangerdanger. I had his address and his house was close (maybe a 3/4 mile walk or so) so we starting walking towards his house. I should say... the road we were on has a speed limit of 55mph. Anyways, so we turn down his side street and are on it for about 50 yards. When like a half a mile further down the road a bear crosses (there had been bear sightings in the area...) which totally spooked the puppy (his name is Pepper!) and he turned around and ran back towards the main road. That one with cars going 55mph. So obv he got hit by a car. He was alive but hurt for sure. So I do what anyone would do - freak out and call my daddy. And then domestic animal services. And about 2 hours after I had initially stopped to help the puppy on the side of the road he is on a stretch in the back of domestic animal services van. In this 2 hours I was in the direct sunlight, in FL, in the summertime, and for about the final hour and 20 minutes of it (after Pepper got it) was under a lot of stress. So as soon as it was clear Pepper would be ok I basically passed out. And ended up in the hospital. I don't remember much of getting into the ambulance... I remember one of the EMTs missing the first time he tried to give me an IV and it hurt quite bad... and then about halfway to the hospital I realized I was all wet and got worried I had peed myself... which turns out didn't happen my daddy and the animal services lady had poured water on me trying to get me to cool off... which was nice to know.

I only hate telling this story because Brian says it is a reason why I should never stop to help puppies on the side of the road anymore... but I'm pretty sure I can't ever stop trying to help puppies. Look at that precious face! That was taken when I was sitting in my car trying to call the puppy up so I could drive him home :)
Hmm... so now for the regular pregnancy updates!
How far along: At this point - 35 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: As of Wednesday's appt (2 days ago) I am up 28lbs total.
Maternity Clothes: Oh yes. Well actually... the outfit I have on today is not maternity at all. But all special stretchy clothes or bigger sized regular things I have bought since I've been pregnant. Turns out putting the word maternity on something gives them reason to charge a billion dollars - or I can get a larger normal size which works for the most part *length is key!*
Stretch Marks: I have that dreaded weird darker line down the middle of my stomach... but I haven't noticed anything else besides that!
Sleep: What is that again? haha. I sleep in 2 hour increments then get up to pee. Over the past few nights it has gotten harder to get comfortable because of my giant belly... but the exhaustion helps eventually for me to find a good enough spot and fall asleep.
Best moment this week: We had our last ultrasound on Wednesday - My grandma and mother in law were able to be there! It was so neat to see Caidyn and learn what position she is in. Turns out she is like face down with one of her arms up by her face - the other arm around her back (which is how I love to sleep actually!) - her back curves around and up my left side, her butt is up kind of in the middle of my ribs, and her legs stick out towards my right side.
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Movement: Lots. I feel little punches in my cervix from her hand by her face and kicks on my right side from her legs. Plus just general like big rolling over and such.
Food Cravings: Not really... now that pregnancy is getting harder on my body and mind (I'm right at the end!) I have been trying to take advantage of the whole "eat whatever you want your pregnant" mentality... which usually only works for a day then I eat like all veggies the next day...
Anything making you queasy or sick: I get heartburn pretty regularly?
Have you started to show yet: Haha... yeah
Gender Prediction: its a girl!
Bellybutton in or out: flat? Like it literally is flat. Its so weird.
Wedding rings on or off: My 1st anniversary/second wedding band is on. My engagement ring/ wedding band (they are attached) is off. I was able to wear it on my right hand for a while but... my sandals don't even fit my feet right anymore - so I am not holding out much hope for rings.
Moody at all: No... I definitely have my overwhelmed by "wow - labor is so soon and I need to plan for every possible scenario" but my biggest concerns are the dogs (taken care of), what if we go into labor not at home and need to go straight to the hospital how will our stuff get there (taken care of), and how will I keep myself energized during labor - they don't let you eat... for some reason I'm afraid to feel hungry... like not like "I want a burger" hungry but you know when you haven't eaten for a long time and feel really weak? That is how I am afraid of feeling.
Looking forward to: I am going to finish making all the lists/ packing our hospital bags this weekend. Brian and I are trying to enjoy the last couple weeks of spontaneous plans and just the two of us for a long time! So I am enjoying that extra "us" time :)
As of her ultrasound on 9.11.13 she was predicted to be 4lbs 15 oz and 17" long. And she has some pretty big lips!
Being pregnant has been a really interesting journey. It amazes me like I could still be pregnant for another 5 weeks (or even a little longer!) or she could come right when she's full term which is in only 12 days! The planner in me is freaking out about all the up in the airs BUT I can't wait to meet her whenever that will be and I think I've thought of just about everything that could happen and am at peace with whatever may be! I'm trying for a natural labor and delivery but if I go in there and she shakes the hand of the person checking how dilated I am I am ok with a C-section. If labor stalls and I need pitocin to continue and those contractions are crazy I'm prepared for an epidural. Whatever will be will be. Like I said - I am mostly concerned for getting weak... but I'm looking into lots of ways to keep up my energy without eating (they won't let you eat because the stress the contractions put on your stomach... which totally makes sense - so I can have clear liquids or popsicles or something... I'm looking into maybe some GU like I use for long runs?)
Now its just the waiting game for Caidyn's birth day!