22 Weeks:

23 Weeks:

24 Weeks:

25 Weeks:
I call the doctor right then and just leave a message. Basically, WHAT THE HECK?!?!

Wow. I can't believe it has been that long since I have posted. I was going to post date this pregnancy post, but in the spirit of both full disclosure and accurately documenting our life right now I'm going to leave it.
Caidyn has been really sick lately. On and off, but sick none-the-less. It has been awful, but if she was going to go through a period of sickness with contagious and serious sicknesses, I'm glad it was before Eleanor gets here.
She had a cough and runny nose at the beginning of February. No big deal. Its winter, Its cold season. She had no fever. Or she had a slight fever. If she had a fever or just seemed rough we kept her home from school, usually Brian worked from home (thank goodness he has that sort of schedule), and she would be back to normal by noon making us question why we even arranged for her not to be in school.
Fast forward a week. Tiny Nathan is born! We are so excited and have a three day weekend and drive up to visit him. Our first long drive while potty training so we don't offer Caidyn much water or drink that day so she stays dry (we also put her in a Pull Up, and stop to pee twice since she asks and we don't want her to think it is ok to go in the car). Anyways, she starts coughing a bit, of course as we are visiting a 6 day old baby! We chalk it up to her being thirsty - get her a drink and she DOWNS it. Like a full tervis cup gone in about 2 minutes. We think everything is alright and make plans to see Nate, Bridget, and the baby the next morning.
And then we go to our hotel and have the LONGEST night ever. She falls asleep fine, but wakes up from about 2-4:30 coughing. We almost go to the store to buy Vicks and some homeopathic meds. She falls back asleep, wakes up the next morning and coughs for the first time about an hour after she wakes up. At this point we are on this phone with Nate and Bridget letting them know about our rough night. They have us come over anyways because if Caidyn was sick then she already exposed them all yesterday (valid point).
We go over there and SHE COUGHS SO HARD SHE THROWS UP! It was mid tickle-fight and she was sort of upside down and swallowed her spit to inspire the coughing but still. We were mortified. She had never thrown up ever in her whole life. She actually tried to get the fight to continue about 55 seconds after she had thrown up (and she was clean... I on the other hand was still covered...). We try to leave in as quickly as a hurry after that, not even kissing the baby (even though Nate and Bridget didn't seem to phased) and we were worried our parent intuition was maybe off a bit.
She naps the whole ride home, is fine all afternoon, sleeps through the night, wakes up the next morning fine, not a cough or sniffle and goes to school.
She gets home grumpy, tired, and HOT. She has a fever.
We keep her home the next day. She stays with my sisters.
She gets no better. Brian stays with her Thursday and takes her to the doctor.
I get a call right before lunch - Caidyn has pnemonia. What!?!?!?!?!?! I instantly start googling the heck of out it, make arrangements to be home with her the next day, and call my doctor to let them know just in case. Brian fills her antibiotic prescription, we call Nate and Bridget and feel AWFUL basically telling them we were just there and now our toddler has pnemonia... sorry about your newborn! Ugh. It was awful.
She has her antibiotics, we stay home all weekend and do nothing. And by Sunday she is back to normal, stir crazy, and we are worn out.
We go through a great week at school. A great weekend where we jam pack a ton of stuff in because we did nothing the weekend before.
And then it is like de ja vu. Monday - a little something but gets better. Tuesday we pick her up from school and fever again. Goop in her eyeballs. Maybe it is allergies? The pollen count has been ASTRONOMICAL this year. But we keep her home Wednesday. She doesn't get better.
We take her back to the doctor on Thursday - Oh. Her pnemonia is back. Stronger. The antibiotics weren't strong enough so this time we need stronger ones, for longer.
I take time off work, Mommy takes time off work, and Brian takes time off work. We get the week covered, she is all better that next weekend. She goes to school all the next week. Finishes her antibiotics. We celebrate Brian's 30th birthday at Disney. Its spring break for me so we relax when we get home.
Thursday is St Patrick's day and we have an AWESOME morning. We go to the parade, the beach, we come home take a bath and put her down for a nap.
She wakes up about 2 hours late, hands me the Vicks and thermometer and says "I feel sick". I sort of jokingly thinking she wants to play doctor take her temp.
SERIOUSLY?!?!?!? And she coughed. Like all at once just like that. And this isn't a throat clearing cough. It is a mucousy cough. Ugh.
I call the doctor right then and just leave a message. Basically, WHAT THE HECK?!?!
We monitor her overnight. No fever. She wakes up, and hour later in the 101's. An hour after that in the 102's. I start to be nervous but the doctor said if it is low grade (102 or lower) to just monitor her through the weekend. She starts crying and rubbing her leg and arm and says she hurts, I take it again - 104.5. I call the doctor. They see us about an hour and a half later (because they are amazing). And she gets tested for a treated for the flu.
She finishes her flu meds on Wednesday morning (5 days of dosing, but she started in the evening so we overlap one day).
Lets please hope this is the end of this! I have 2 sick days left for the year and already have to come home from a wedding ending at 11pm 2 hours away that night so I don't miss work anymore. I was trying to roll 5 days over to next year to cover another week of maternity leave... which is not happening anymore.
Anything for our baby girl, but please please please stay healthy!
To continue the longest post ever - here are the monthly update questions!
How far along: 6 months!
Total weight gain: As of my glucose test and work blood draw on Friday I am up 18lbs
Maternity Clothes: A solid mix. I'm trying to up my number of bottoms (shorts specifically) by getting a few with elastic waistbands. Some tops and dresses that are regular still fit. Some have become a LITTLE short
Stretch Marks: I'm not sure... I'm eyeing a few spots. Whatever happens happens I guess!
Best moments: I just love to hear and see Caidyn notice or talk about Ellie. I walked out of my room in my swimsuit yesterday and she just stopped what she was doing to notice the belly and say hi to Ellie and give her a kiss. Those moments are so worth it!
Movement: So much! I love it all! The best was Saturday morning - our very tired family slept in. I was woken up by some kicking - and it was already 8:45am! Definitely a pleasant time to be woken up, especially by our littlest member.
Food Cravings: Right now I want chocolate. And vegetables. Not together. But its like my body craves unhealthy stuff, but then wants healthy stuff to balance. 80/20 is every meal, right? ;)
Anything making you sick or queasy? If I get too hungry and get nauseous. And then don't want to eat and feel worse... got to keep up on my snacks!
Labor signs: I have Braxton Hick's contractions regularly. Enough so I asked the doctor about them last time I went. Just hoping it means another earlier baby! 37 weeks falls on our 10 year dating anniversary!
Belly Button: Has betrayed me. Its a mix of in and out and is just weird looking right now. Haha.
Wedding Rings: On and still fitting! Which is wonderful! I"m trying to remember when I had to take them off and only wear my anniversary band last time. They both fit right now, but I'm preparing to have to go down to one soon (especially as the weather warms up).
Happy or Moody: I would say happy but EXHAUSTED! I've been VERY achy these past couple weeks. And uncomfortable. But I feel generally happy!
Monthly Wisdom: I am realizing I need to slow down on my physical actvitity. Like maybe not doing the track students workouts with them... walking more instead of running... not picking up Caidyn as often (she's 35lbs!). I'm trying to mentally become ok with that. I've been so lucky to be so active this pregnancy that it makes me sad to think I'll need to cut back. I need to focus on being thankful for what I've been able to do so I don't do any long term damage to any muscles or ligaments pushing it too hard.