We drove up Friday afternoon through crazy rain and finally made it to the hotel just after dark. We brought the pack and play for Caidyn to sleep in and it worked perfectly. We gave her a bath and put her to bed and she slept like a champion.
That was until my 10k call time the next morning. When I woke up Caidyn was still sleeping super soundly so I started pumping (I hoped to pump a little and feed her - something I can do after sleeping through the night #engorgement) and she woke up. And ended up being super fussy, still feeling warm, and eating for over 45 minutes. I gave myself a lot of time that morning, but definitely not 45 minutes to just sit and feed her (she usually eats for about 15). It was getting to the point where I wasn't sure if I would be able to be fully fueled after her eating so much (I had done a 5 mile run in December I had to stop early because I was getting dizzy from hunger even though I had eaten a banana and had oatmeal). I was frustrated and nervous and I also felt guilty because my little baby girl was still feeling warm (not an actual fever, but def warm) and Brian and I decided I should pull from my 10k and only run the 5k. I was then able to take my time getting myself ready and give Caidyn more time to sleep off her little warmness.

We sent Brian off to his race and made sure to fuel up and then get ready for our race!

Obviously Caidyn needed to dress for exercise and wore her perfectly adorable sweat suit. She rode along for the 5k and I ran the whole thing - no walking! I was so excited! This was the first time that happened since before I was pregnant. Yay!
Her daddy did AMAZING! He finished his first 1/2 marathon in under 2 hours 10 minutes! SO GREAT!

We love running and love that we can bring Caidyn on so many runs with us. We hope that one day she'll love it, too, and we can run together as a family!
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