I have to preface this with a quick "Caidyn says" story.
Thursday evening she got out of bed 3-4 times after we had said goodnight. We were trying to pack, finish our taxes, and then go to bed ourselves. Finally I said to her, "If you get out of bed one more time we won't go see Mickey while we are at Disney". She responded, with a look of sincerity, "Mama, lock the door please". I could barely contain my laughter until I was out of her room. She means business when it comes to Mickey!
Our weekend started like any weekend with a 2 year old who is potty training and is about to drive four hours starts... with stories about the potty. Brian had to pick up his packet before 7pm, and since I don't get out of work until 4 we knew that wouldn't work. He rode up with a friend who was also running the race, so Caidyn and I were on our own for getting there. I picked her up from school, put on a pull up, made sure she went potty there, and got her started on some shows on her kindle.
About an hour into our drive she tells me she has to go potty and UNBUCKLES THE TOP BUCKLE OF HER CAR SEAT. Of course, I'm on the highway, and she can't figure out how to rebuckle it. The next exit we quickly get off... to find out the ONLY thing at this exit is a gun range. She asks to "poo poo in the grass like a birdy, Mama?" and that beats walking into a random sketchy gun range during Friday happy hour... so we pull over. Of course, nothing happens. She "only had to fart"... so we buckle her in, go over the importance of never unbuckling ourselves, and continue. About 20 minutes later we are in AWFUL traffic and she starts saying/whining she has to go. This happens at home sometimes and usually the second time she actually goes. So we pull off at the next exit - with a Publix this time, and spend 15 minutes on their potty without so much as a tinkle. We also get a lot of food because pregnant. We get back in the car, luckily traffic has cleared, and we are now more than an hour behind schedule (good thing we had planned on a sandwiches by the pool dinner... and now I had said sandwiches with me!). Of course, another 20 minutes goes by and she asks to go again "really bad" this time. I really don't want to chance a poop in her pull up... so we pull off at a rest stop. And she FINALLY goes. All becomes well in the world. And we make it the rest of the way to Disney at about 9pm. We enjoy our sandwhiches and walk around the hotel but no pool tonight.
The next morning at zero dark thirty Brian runs his race!

He is literally done and back in the hotel room by 7:30am, when Caidyn and I were just waking up :)
We cuddle and relax until about 10:00 when we are STARVING and venture out for some breakfast and to get Caidyn to her big race!

Shirts from Glitter Ever After. Daddy and Caidyn had to match :)
The RunDisney kids races were adorable. They had bibs for the kids, actual bananas and water and medals when they finished. It was well organized and Caidyn had a blast!
She actually ran the whole thing by herself, got her medal, and picked up a few bananas before even looking up to see where her parents were. It was ADORABLE!

They had other activities set up and our little athlete LOVED the obstacle course! We actually had to peel her away after she did it twice because we needed lunch pronto.

She had a blast and was sure to tell everyone for the rest of the day about her race!
Little Ham <3

We headed off to Magic Kingdom for the rest of the afternoon! We had fun with a few fast passes - we rode the Little Mermaid ride! Which of course broke down as we were in there (it never fails, no matter what theme park, one of the rides always breaks down - usually temporarily - while we are on it). Time for a quick blurry selfie!

Our second fast pass was for the Jungle Cruise. Brian had no interest in going but I had never been on it before so on we went. Brian was saying how boring it was, etc. etc. But we ended up having the BEST boat operator ever and the entire time he just spoke in puns. Brian and I were laughing so hard! He said it was by far the best experience - it was so great we even stopped a supervisor after the ride to commend the driver!
On our way to get the ever important Dole Whips we saw the Aladdin ride only had a 10 minute wait. We went on that and had a lot of fun!

I then waited for our Dole Whips while Brian and Caidyn rode Aladdin again! We enjoyed our snack and then went to meet Rapunzel and Cinderella!

It's so interesting to me when we meet the princesses. They always come in two's, and I feel like the one people are less interested in meeting (by people I mean Caidyn) is always the more interactive and fun one. It was the same thing when we met Anna and Elsa. Caidyn was SO excited to meet Elsa and Cinderella - and Anna and Rapunzel were just the BEST characters! They asked questions, said so many in character things, and were just much better to interact with than the other characters.
After this we started to head out so we could go get dinner and Brian could rest his feet. Of course I wanted one last family picture on Main Street before Ellie was born... and Caidyn had fallen asleep in the stroller. So we got one of just Brian and I - a rarity!

We had a relaxing evening - dinner at Carrabba's (delicious, I don't know why we never go there...) and then Brian took a mineral salts bath and went to sleep while Caidyn and I went for a swim - well Caidyn swam and I stood watch.

Brian was up and out of the room for his half by 3am and Caidyn and I were out the door by 6:30 to go cheer him on! We got to see him run by at mile 12 and then met up at the finish line! He did SO amazing and we are so proud!

We went back to the hotel for breakfast and for Brian to get a shower in (and us to pack up) and Caidyn did us the biggest favor and really wanted to go swimming. We gave her the choice after she asked to go swimming a few times of pool or going to see Mickey, and she chose the pool. Repeatedly. We were in. We both got to rest our feet and backs and just have a much more relaxed version of our day. It was the perfect end to our weekend and made for a very relaxing drive home!