Week 27: A semi painful week as I spent every day in the Star Lab for work + did a long event on Thursday evening for work. My sciatica was acting up a lot BUT everything got done!

Week 28: A busy week as I was prepping for state testing at work and then we had Angela's wedding festivities all weekend! I'm sure I looked ridiculous super pregnant at Hunkomania but the eye candy was enjoyable ;)

Week 29:
This was the first day of week 29. I was all dolled up for officiating Angela and Ray's wedding! I had a doctor's appointment the next day (Monday) and Eleanor and I were measuring right on track! The doctor even said she is already positioned head down - although she did remind me that she might still move, of course. We also had a surprise baby shower thrown for us that same evening at Caidyn's school! Eleanor will go there in the fall when I return to work and their excitement about their future classmate just made our days!

How far along: 7 1/2 months now!
Total weight gain: 25 lbs. Ugh.
Maternity Clothes: For the most part. I've splurged on a few last minute pieces (low rise shorts) that I'll feel comfortable wearing this summer as I'm shrinking.
Stretch Marks: Not that I can see...?
Best moments: Hearing Ellie's heartbeat at the doctor is always great. And Caidyn telling me when we got home VERY early Monday morning (1am) that she's "ready for Ellie to come out of my belly now" <3 and the surprise baby shower Caidyn's school threw for us!
Movement: Yes!!!! I love it!
Food Cravings: Same as always - sweets and veggies.
Anything making you sick or queasy? Nausea is starting back up again... sometimes related to when my back hurts very badly and I've been overdoing it and sometimes I'm not sure why.
Labor signs: The evening this picture was taken I actually had about 2 1/2 hours of strong contractions in a row. Not quite painful, but more uncomfortable than normal. We left Angela's wedding early because of them and started driving home. Luckily they stopped 1/2 way across the Alley or we would have gone to the hospital instead of home!
Belly Button: Let's just not talk about this weird bump formerly known as a belly button.
Wedding Rings: On and still fitting! Every so often I'll swell up a bit but I've been lucky to go back down and still able to wear them!
Happy or Moody: Happy until Tuesday evenings/Wednesday mornings. I get my progesterone shots every Wednesday and I can really feel the hormone let down when the week has gone by. I've always been really sensitive to messing with my hormones so I'm not surprised, I'm just ready for it to be done.
Monthly Wisdom: I can't believe another baby will be here so soon. I have been mentally trying to prepare myself to actually be in school on the last day, and for quite a bit of June to have gone by before Eleanor arrives. I am still hoping for another early delivery, but I don't want to be a grump all of June because I haven't delivered yet.
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