Total weight gain/loss: I haven't checked since week 9 to be honest... I will at Publix tonight (we always use the same Publix scale to keep it accurate, haha)
Maternity clothes? Wearing my first pair of actual maternity pants today!
Stretch marks? No - but I have awful awful dry skin that has spread to my stomach. In that same Publix run tonight I'm going to buy some stretch mark cream to start using as preventative maintenance
Sleep: I've been getting a little more energy lately - but still can sleep for 9-10 hours a night!
Best moment this week: Being asked if I was pregnant because the bump has officially popped. It was surreal but also nice that people went with preggo instead of lazy!
Have you told family and friends: Yes! And going to start telling my school administration this week and then everyone will know!
Miss Anything? Cheese sticks. And sangria.
Movement: Nothing yet!.
Food cravings: I want a medium rare prime rib like nobody's business. But the Dr said cook all meat well done. So I've been supplementing my steak cravings with meat I won't notice is well done like in tacos...it helps a little.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Hot showers. It has been awful :(
Have you started to show yet: yes! I know I popped really early but a few people have already asked me about it based on the bump!
Gender prediction: I still think it is a boy!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Our doctor's appointment next week and getting a definite due date. And it being April - Brian gets 5% cash back on all home improvement purchases that month so a ton of baby prep around the house will be getting done!!
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