Especially since I was feeling much much better!
I got a little cold... We had our 12 week ultrasound and everything looked good - C was moving SO SO SO much - so we still don't have a decent profile ultrasound picture...
But we will soon! I actually go back on Wednesday (5 days!) for my 16 week appointment, and I think I get another ultrasound? Really not sure... I'm just kind of going with the flow.
Weeks 13 and 14 I was tired but could push through it... busy... as always... bought a few more things for C's nursery!
Not sure if I blog announced it but we have decided on doing a scavenger hunt gender reveal. We will find out about 2 days before the party, so we can prep, and everyone else has to follow the scavenger hunt to figure it out! Get ready for #WyssWyssBaby to go viral :)
JK. Get ready for 12 people to use #WyssWyssBaby.
We have also decided if C is a girl to spell it Caidyn, versus Caiden for a boy. I'm excited about that difference! But it is also the reason I am just writing C now since writing out the whole way would make it seem we know something now, which we don't.
Here are a few updated pictures... sorry for the worst post ever.

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