How far along: 23, 24, and 25 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: At my Dr appt from the end of June I was up a total of 10 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Oh yes. Even a lot of my shirts aren't fitting any more :(
Stretch Marks: Not sure... I think I'm in the clear but I can't tell... there are a few spots I keep eyeing...
Sleep: A few times I've been kept awake by some crazy kicking and weird dreams, but nothing too too awful or for more than 2 nights in a row
Best moment this week: Over these weeks... we were on vacation visiting lots of members of Brian's family in MN - it was so nice to hear how excited they all were PLUS play with their kids - practice practice practice!
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Movement: SO MUCH MOVEMENT!!! Caidyn is like always on the go. Always. If she is still for more than like an hour I'm impressed.
Food Cravings: Protein in general. Like I love beans and meat.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Flying on airplanes. Yuck.
Have you started to show yet: Oh my, yes. I still can't believe I have three more weeks of growing to fit in there.
Gender Prediction: Ultrasound said girl - and we haven't heard anything else!
Bellybutton in or out: In... but I predict by the end of July it will be out :(
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Moody at all: No... at least I don't think so....
Looking forward to: I don't know how looking forward I am... but we need to register at the hospital and do the glucose test. Which seemed like things that would like never get here. Now they are here and they make me really nervous because they are on the list of final steps... eek!!!