For Father's Day we had Brian wear the shirt... it was... different
How far along: 22 weeks - today is Father's Day!!!!
Total weight gain/loss: No idea... I really should go to the grocery store and check...
Maternity Clothes: Yup. and I am slowly finding things that I thought would fit me the whole time that are starting to reach their max stretch point :(
Stretch Marks: No. But I am feeling super stretched out. Especially in the evenings. Loving the cocoa butter!
Sleep: I can't sleep in at all... I get heartburn and Caidyn wakes me up with kicks. Not the worst thing to wake up and just gives me an excuse for a nap later
Best moment this week: All the little kids at camp being really excited for me having a baby. It is so adorable.
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Movement: Oh yes. Our little mover is starting to not move as often but makes it VERY known when she is moving around!
Food Cravings: Whatever makes my heartburn feel better...
Anything making you queasy or sick: Heartburn all the time :(
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes!
Gender Prediction: Ultrasound said girl!
Bellybutton in or out: In and still getting shallower and wider by the day....
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Moody at all: I feel like maybe I should just say stressed instead of moody. I'm very busy right now but also very focused. I am accomplishing so much!!
Looking forward to: Vacation at the end of this month/ beginning of next month. I'm quite excited for a little R and R!

I was obv REALLY tired for these pictures...
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