The awesome birthday pool calendar and 50/50 fundraiser our friends made for us! Getting Caidyn's college fund started early!!

We bought Caidyn an Arwen's necklace from Lord of the Rings
How far along: 21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I was up 5lbs last appt... and I don't own a scale so... not sure.
Maternity Clothes: Button pants - yes. Although I was able to try the scrunchie trick doubled with a pair of pants and it worked and wasn't too uncomfortable! Shirts, still going strong with most of my regular ones!
Stretch Marks: None yet, but feeling VERY stretched out
Sleep: Working really hard during the day means I'm sleeping VERY well at night.
Best moment this week: Getting to tell my students it was a girl. They are all so excited and have promised to come back next year to see me and they request pictures via Edmodo :)
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Movement: Probably the best part of my day is right at night when Brian and I are getting into bed and Caidyn puts on a little kicking show for us. SO ADORABLE!!!!
Food Cravings: Nothing really specific right now... basically foods that are gentle on my stomach because of all the heart burn.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I have heartburn like woah now. It usually means I am hungry... so I am learning to use it to gauge that I need to eat when I'm not feeling hungry.
Have you started to show yet: Yes!
Gender Prediction: Ultrasound said girl!
Bellybutton in or out: In. But getting wider and wider by the week.... And shallower. I have a feeling it may pop eventually... :/
Wedding rings on or off: On. And it has been warm and I haven't had to take the smaller engagement band/wedding band off yet!
Moody at all: I'm definitely feeling the pressure of the goals I set for myself both personally and professionally. If I am in the middle of a focused session and something interrupts me I have VERY little patience... oops!
Looking forward to: The weekend of the 15th... I work this weekend ALL WEEKEND LONG getting ready for camp and then camp straight through the week. It was hard last year when I wasn't pregnant... I can't even imagine this year!
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