Monday, August 1, 2016

Mom's Day Out! - Dave Matthews 2016

My mom, sisters, and I went to see the Dave Matthews Band and had an amazing time!

My friend Robyn posted that her and her mom were going. I knew our moms would enjoy themselves together as they are both Dave fans and enjoy a good drink in the sunshine! My sisters and mom have all gone to see Dave before in various groupings. They actually tried to get me to bring Caidyn a couple years ago since there is a family section, but I passed not wanting to have to keep track of a roaming toddler at a big concert.

But this year I decided it was time. We looked into getting some lawn seats, everyone had off of work, and we made an evening out of it! We did the drive up and back so I only had to pump twice (both in the car, once while we were driving -- well sitting in traffic trying to leave... #momlife).

Anyways it was a great time. We got there early, set up some shade, chairs, and drinks, enjoyed a pub sub and chatted away. People a few cars down had some music playing and we just had a blast. We had lawn seats and brought our Tommy Bahama chairs which were perfect! Low enough we didn't bother anyone, but kept our butts off the ground in case it was wet. We danced, we sang, and enjoyed each others company!

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