So I am a little behind but hoping to catch up.
At her one month checkup Caidyn was 8lb 14oz and 21" long!! She had gained about 3 1/2 lbs and inches since she was born!
We have had a bit of trouble with her having very painful poops and bad diaper rash. We were having to rinse her instead of using wipes. About a week before her one month birthday we were able to stop using the nipple shield and nurse regularly. She is a champion!
Favorite moments: new longer alert periods of time. And one of my favorites- when she gets really hungry she will open her mouth and sort of move her head around in circles around the shield at the time. It was so funny Brian and I both started laughing, and when I laughed Caidyn moved a bunch, prompting her to get a little frustrated and do it again! It was a vicious cycle of laughter and a truly wonderful little family moment.
Her one month was right before her first holiday so we were looking forward to that - Halloween! She was still in her bassinet in our room and only sleeping about 3-3.5 hrs at a time at night.
It was an amazing a quick month. The day before her 1 month birthday, October 22, was actually the day the doctor predicted she would actually be born judging on her experience with first babies going over a few days. Instead, her cousin Beau was born almost exactly as early as Caidyn was! Although the two of them can't play together yet it will be fun that they are so close!
I can't believe a month passed so quickly. It is amazing all of the changes she went through just in that little month, but how far she has yet to go. We love her so much!!!!
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