11 weeks!!!!
We had a visit to the doctor in the middle of this week and it was SO welcome! We got to see our little baby moving all around, hear the heart beat, count fingers and toes, and get great reports from the ultrasound technician on all her findings. We also got, for the very first time for us, an ultrasound photo that actually looks like a baby! With Caidyn she was not very photogenic and we just couldn't get a good profile shot. This week we got some beautiful shots!
One thing we spent a long time talking to the doctor about is my candidacy for progesterone shots from 16-37 weeks of pregnancy. Since Caidyn came so early (at 36 weeks 5 days) I am technically considered having had preterm labor. Now it could be nothing and a fluke, or it could be a pattern. The risks of preterm labor much earlier than mine are high, but Caidyn was, luckily, just fine. However because of her size (5lbs 9oz), they agree that it was preterm labor and not a very miscalculated due date. There doesn't seem to be any negative side effects unless a shot or dose is missed. We told the doctor we were 100% confident in her decision so we will find out on January 6 at our next appointment.
How far along? 11 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: Zero. I was exactly 142.0 on the doctor's scale..This is the same as with Caidyn, and just like with her I was given the homework of "gain weight".
Maternity clothes: Yes! I went and got my old stuff out of storage this week and washed it all. I was amazed and how little I actually had!
Stretch Marks: I noticed something... I'm hoping maybe it was just a mark from my pants... but getting lotion to prevent it starting now!
Sleep: I am still so tired. I've gone to bed at 8:30pm a few times out of pure exhaustion. That is literally 10 minutes after Caidyn goes down. I am so lucky Brian is so understanding and really picks up the slack when I just crash.
Best moment this week: Watching the little one! It was so fun to see all the movement and know everything is developing just fine! We love you already!!! Also, I got a new car! Making room for the bigger family we upgraded my Kia Sportage to a Kia Sedona! Yes, its a minivan. And yes, I love it!
Movement: After seeing all the movement happening during the ultrasound I was trying to be really conscious of trying to feel baby move. If I sat with my legs up I could sort of feel some movement - and Brian could, too!!! It was fun, but we haven't been able to duplicate it. We did joke it was just a weirdly timed muscle spasm... which is seeming more likely now, haha!
Food cravings: QUESO!!! So weird, I know. But I love it so much!
Anything making you queasy or sick: On and off stomach aches. Mostly just dealing with exhaustion.
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes. I'm almost at the random people assuming pregnant not fat, but not quite, haha!
Gender prediction: With the heart rate of 161 Brian confirmed himself girl. But we were watching the baby move a lot - so the heart rate should have been elevated... so we will see!!!
Belly button: Stretching itself out! Getting wider and flatter each week.
Wedding rings on or off: On fitting normal for this time of year.
Happy or moody most of the time: Tired? Haha.
Weekly Wisdom: We are just so thankful everything is going well. We are so lucky and blessed and truly looking forward to this holiday season!
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