10 weeks!
This was a long, long week! First week back to school after Thanksgiving and knowing we only had 15 more days on Monday made it go by quickly and slowly all at the same time. Dos and I ran our second race together (the first was the Rocktoberfest 10 Miler - the day after I found out!!). The Collier Schools 5k - we finished in 29:20... not an awful time but nothing to write home about. I'm trying to be thankful for being able to run comfortable without the support belt at this point in the pregnancy and hoping for that to continue!
How far along? 10 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: Really not sure.. I feel like I've gained since clothes aren't fitting and boobs are SO GIANT AND HEAVY...
Maternity Clothes: YES! I was waiting to wear them until this week when I was able to announce at work and my new side panel black pants are SO comfortable! I actually purchased a pair of jeans in a side panel as well since I loved these so much!
Stretch Marks: No :)
Sleep: The usual... Sleeping fine as I am SO tired, but having to get up in the middle of the night to pee is still super annoying.
Best moment this week: I would say a tie for our run together that I felt great during (and was comfortably rocking sub 10 min/miles!) and when my principal announced it to school keeping me from having to have those awkward conversations. People are excited and supportive which is always so nice!
Have you told family and friends: YES! It is all public knowledge now! Which I'm glad about since this bump is out and saying hi to the world.
Movement: Nothing yet! I felt it around 14 weeks with Caidyn so hoping soon!
Food cravings: I <3 MOES and QUESO!!!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still battling bouts of "carsick" feelings. Haven't figured out any triggers so just winging it!
Have you started to show yet: Yes. SO QUICKLY THE SECOND TIME AROUND!!!!
Gender Prediction: I can't even begin to guess. Just when I start thinking something I know it could be either and I really couldn't make a call.
Belly button in or out: In but it is right at the biggest part of the bump so it is def stretched out a bit!
Wedding rings on or off: On and fitting normal.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Hmm... honestly? I might have to say moody. I'm exhausted. And my want for sleep just shortens my fuse. I also cried like real tears at the end of Elf. Yes, Elf - the comedy!?!? Just feeling all the emotions!
Weekly Wisdom: We can't wait for our second ultrasound and long doctor's appointment next week! I had a freak out earlier this week that we were 25% of the way there and we still have so much to do at the house. Dos' room is still just a storage unit, we don't have anything done in the great room, our room is a mess, nothing is really baby proofed besides like 3 cabinets with a lock on them for Caidyn... I know we will get it done and we still have 75% of the way to go. But its starting to get more real!!
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