On Wednesday, November 11 we had our first ultrasound and doctor appointment to really confirm a healthy baby Dos was on the way!
The appointment was very routine - the same office staff and ultrasound technician as we had with Caidyn - which was great seeing familiar faces! Before we went back Brian and I were trying to remember Caidyn's first appointment heart rate. We both remembered 142 BPM, so it was fun to see Dos coming it at 143! Brian has a video of the ultrasound that we can share with Caidyn and our families when we share the news with them. They didn't have Caidyn's 6 week ultrasound heart rate record handy, but she was 176 at her 12 week ultrasound! We go back at 11 weeks 3 days, and I'm anxious to find out more then!
Our wonderful doctor's office has undergone a lot of changes, which I think will be wonderful! The two biggest are a new online portal and computer system, which will be great for viewing results of blood work and such. The other is the addition of a nurse practitioner to the team. We were fortunate with Caidyn to never have to meet with another doctor for any appointment and have our same doctor deliver Caidyn, but that might not happen again, so it is great to get to know more people in the office. Additionally, one thing we love about our doctor, is how much time she takes with each patient - never making us feel rushed or like we were asking annoying questions. But, with that time comes running late for appointments. This time our appointments were right on time!
Another thing different this time around is a new blood test that can be done on me that checks for genetic abnormalities in baby, and also the gender with 99% certainty! This will be done at our 11 week appointment and results come in within 2 weeks! So the Fiesta de Dos we are planning for December 26 still works out! We are so excited for the party and hope it will be a lot of fun! I'll post again about the details we are planning, but I will say I have had this idea since about February of last year - and even bought some discounted Cinco de Mayo decorations in May!
As far as a 7 week update:
How far along? 7 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: At the doctor I was 141.6 - so down about .4...
Maternity clothes? Wearing all of my flowy outfits while we are still keeping this baby a secret!
Stretch marks? Nope!
Sleep: So I started sleeping a little more upright with a firm high pillow this week, laying a flat pillow next to me to support my head leaning to the side. I have not slept better in SUCH a long time! It felt great!
Best moment this week: Hearing the heart beat and knowing everything is a-ok with this baby right now!
Have you told family and friends: Over the weekend we went and met Jeanne's new baby Scarlett. I shared the news with her, and she knew we were trying, and was so excited, too!
Movement: Nothing yet (still too early)
Food cravings: Raspberry Brie. I was seriously sitting at a stoplight while driving with Brian and Caidyn and randomly made the "mmmm" sound. Brian asked, "What?" and I just responded that I was thinking about raspberry brie. Doesn't it sound good?!?!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Life? Haha. 88% of the time my stomach is pretty unhappy. I classify it as "fragile" since I don't get sick, but feel very close to it!
Have you started to show yet: Still calling it bloating...
Gender prediction: Brian thinks it is a girl. 100%. I have no clue. But I love the girl name we have picked out, and I suggested a boy middle name to accompany our picked out first name that I love, and loving both name combos makes me excited either way!
Gender prediction: Brian thinks it is a girl. 100%. I have no clue. But I love the girl name we have picked out, and I suggested a boy middle name to accompany our picked out first name that I love, and loving both name combos makes me excited either way!
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On and fitting normal.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Still a solid mix of both. And emotional. I get the teary eyes over the weirdest things - but then didn't tear up at all at our ultrasound! I think I was so relieved everything was ok!
Weekly Wisdom: Reminding myself that everything will be ok and that this, too, shall pass. It is hard because I am getting into the headache often and worst of the queasyness symptoms, and I can see that second trimester (aka - feeling human) as still four weeks away. But trying to enjoy the symptoms as signs everything is ok and knowing this is probably our last baby and my last pregnancy I'm trying to not to wish the time away.
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