How far along? 6 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure. 142 is my "starting" point for this pregnancy and I have no clue.
Maternity clothes? I bought a few things this week online (Gap and Old Navy sales for the win!). Some of my favorite work pants are already starting to be tight and this bump is coming on quick. I'm hoping to embrace it sooner and flaunt it more this pregnancy - but obviously I want to wait until the news is public.
Stretch marks? None... wayyyyyy to early for even worrying about that.
Sleep: Last night I slept through the night without having to get up to pee. For the first time this pregnancy. But other than that sleep has been AWFUL. Waking up at least once (usually twice), restless. My back is hurting, not sure if it is that we are sleeping on an old mattress (my Mom's as her bed is still in our room for now) or just the baby making him or herself comfortable in there... We'll see!
Best moment this week: Caidyn kisses the baby a lot now and it is so cute. I love it so much.
Have you told family and friends: A few friends, Brian's parents, Brian's sister Traci, and my sister Anita. We are telling Nathan and Bridget (and then maybe Brian's MN siblings) next weekend and then my family on Thanksgiving day!
Movement: Nothing yet (still too early)
Food cravings: I had a craving for fettucini alfredo this weekend. And raspberry brie cheese... and also more candy corn.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The philly cheese steak sandwhich from Bokampers... that was a rough evening.
Have you started to show yet: A little bit. I am trying to blame it on bloating... but it is there first thing in the morning now..
Gender prediction: I have no clue. We are hopeful for a little girl since we have all this girl stuff, and Caidyn would love someone to play dress up with. But at the same time a boy would be such a fun change of pace.
Gender prediction: I have no clue. We are hopeful for a little girl since we have all this girl stuff, and Caidyn would love someone to play dress up with. But at the same time a boy would be such a fun change of pace.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On and fitting normal.
Happy or Moody most of the time: A mix of both. I'm exhausted and not feeling well in the evenings. When Caidyn is also most hyper and hungry. It is hard not to just give in and give her snacks and let her watch a TV show. Plus we are potty training... oh goodness.
Weekly Wisdom: We got to help Nathan and Bridget last night as they prepare for their registry for Baby Nathan. It is fun to remind ourselves of all we learned in our parenting journey so far. It makes me feel much more prepared for this little one!
Our doctors appointment is FINALLY one week away. I know I requested it be 11/11 since I have off of work and timing was flexible, but I had no idea how long it would take to get here. We are excited to see this little one and the reassurance that everything is alright with him or her. I've been experiencing... not cramping per say, but an "awareness" in my lower abdomen that I don't remember feeling with Caidyn. Like similar to a full bladder. It doesn't hurt, but just "feels"... And the lower back discomfort. It reminds me a lot of the few days before I went into labor with Caidyn, which is I think what makes me most nervous for this pregnancy. But my family is due for some happiness and I'm sure this baby is it :)
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