Friday afternoon I realized we would be home for a while before Brian got home so I figured I would surprise our girl with a park visit. This tiny daredevil had a GREAT time and was loving the swings - as always! But she started getting a little too daring so I stopped pushing her as high and encouraged her to play on other things.

Sarah was free for my last minute park invite and brought Beau and Adrianna to play with us. Beau and Caidyn are almost exactly 1 month apart and they always have fun together!

The next morning Caidyn's AMAZING school organized a meet up. We met at a greenway and walked 1/2 mile to the playground along the way. The kiddos played for about an hour and then we walked back. It took about 2 hours but we had a blast!

Later that afternoon Caidyn and I headed over to Super Science Saturday where the boards from the regional science fair, where I had 9 students competing, were on display along with some other fun science vendors and exhibits. She loved looking at all of the animals and reading a lot of the books they had out!

Brian was home with a crew of AMAZING friends tearing our part of our kitchen! The reno has officially officially commenced! Although it is kind of nerve wracking to know we won't have cabinets again until March, the fact that the process is visible in the house is making the end results seem much more realistic and near! Which is good because this is a big step 1 to getting ready for Ellie's arrival!
Sunday we decided to make the big switch to underwear. It was nerve wracking - especially since we were on the go a lot during the day - but Caidyn did really well! We prepped by purchasing about 8 extra pairs of pants and some training pants as well as actual underwear and really talked about the importance of going potty. She sings the song from Daniel Tiger and knows the book version of that we have very well so she seemed to get it. To be honest, I wouldn't have made the jump yet, but her school asked for it so I figured I would try it out before I sent them to school.
We went to the farmers market for an Acai bowl as our first stop - and tiny giant did great!

We then went to breakfast with Papa and Nana and she went TWICE while we were there on the potty! We went to Publix afterwards and she tried to go there, but didn't have to. When we got home she went down for a nap and had dirty accident :( but we quickly got her cleaned up, I put her to nap in a pull up, and she slept for a few hours while Brian and I finished up her and Ellie's bathroom as well as moved all toys down and put down a makeshift floor in the playroom so Caidyn has a safe place to play while the kitchen/ great room is totally torn apart. She woke up and we played and played and she stayed dry all evening! It wasn't until we made an evening trip to Home Depot for a shelving unit for our food (which will eventually be relocated to the garage) and a light bulb that she had an accident as we were walking in the door. But being 45 minutes later than expected since we got distracted looking at lots of lighting kit variations (we are hoping to install those soon so we almost bought supplies) and without dinner yet I was proud of her!
The weekend ended on a high note this morning when she woke up, put on her tutu and necklace, and walked in the bathroom to tell me, "First I go potty then I go play in me and Ellie's room!"

Don't mind her sleepy smile face or our pile of too be hung up clothes. We'll get there, eventually! I love that little girl so much! I'm so proud of her and all of her growing and learning!
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