Feeling AMAZING! I found myself saying to myself that if I didn't know already this was a girl I would swear it was a boy just by how much energy I have! A few bouts of heartburn but nothing a tums tablet couldn't handle. I finally figured out hydration and maybe Ellie moved up a hair so I can sometimes sleep through the night without having to get up to pee - and it just has me feeling like a whole new person! Up 4 pounds since my last doctors appointment which I feel like is a lot in two weeks but its what Ellie needs so I'll take it!
Week 18;

Oh my goodness I'm not sure if any two weeks in pregnancy can feel any different. I want to simultaneously laugh and be sick at last week's update. It started Monday morning with my workout that I just was SO exhausted through. I had been hesitating signing up for the half marathon in February because I just wasn't sure if it was the best idea or if I could do it - and today made me finally voice my concerns to Brian. He really wanted to do it still so I called the morning a fluke and just kept going. Later that day I had my third injection and it was THE WORST by far. I ruined a pair of underwear since I bled from my shot and it dripped onto them after bleeding out from the bandaid that was put on it! I was in such pain for the rest of the night and the next day. Wednesday morning I stopped 15 minutes into a plyo workout, again just so exhausted. I'm not even sure I worked out Thursday. Friday I woke up excited to go for a run in the afternoon and by the end of the day my goal was just "don't go home and sit on the coach" so I took Caidyn for a surprise park trip which ended up being a lot of fun and kept me up! It was just an exhausting week - even Brian noticed I was much more tired than normal. However, as I went to bed last night (Sunday, 1.31) my throat was sore and I had a runny nose, and typing this now Monday during lunch (2.1) it is still sore - so I'm going to hold out hope that my body was trying to fight the cold and needed all the rest and my energy will be back in no time as soon as I kick this! Right?!?! #fingerscrossed
Week 19:

So the week started on a very ugh note as I had an awful sore throat and runny nose. But early bedtime and the power of positive thinking had me feeling MUCH better by Tuesday - in fact I was able to go for a run!
Wednesday morning we had a checkup for tiny Ellie and Caidyn was able to join us! It was the big ultrasound so we knew we would get a lot of Ellie viewing time in which she enjoyed a little bit. Hearing the heartbeat and looking at the easily visible parts (arms and fingers, profile) were Caidyn's favorites, but when the look at the brain size and for kidney formations and such she got a little squirmy. We also had 2 accidents at the doctors office (both as we were approaching or already in the bathroom!) but she told us right away and was sad about it so showing growth in the potty training area! As far as Ellie everything looked great! Brian learned how to give me the shots, they checked my cervix length (and will do that again at my next appointment) and it all came back well. Very little risk of preterm labor! We did have some warnings about mosquitos and the Zika virus that is going around South America right now. It has appeared locally but only in people who were tourists in that part of the world, so something to be on the lookout for but not overly concerned about. I also FINALLY gained weight! I was up 8lbs, which felt like a lot for one month but the doctor was very happy to see it and said no worries. I'm only up 10lbs for the whole pregnancy which is right on track so I have to remember that when I feel bad about gaining so much in one quick month!
Week 20:
Week 20:

What a week! Daddy was out of town from Sunday to Wednesday night but we hung in there! It worked out that he was in Orlando, though, because on Monday we welcomed a new nephew and cousin - Nathan Thomas Wyss! Nate and Bridget's son was born and we couldn't be happier for them! Brian was able to drive over after his last meeting Monday to be with the family as they sang happy birthday to tiny Nathan with a cupcake and zero candle!

Caidyn and I facetimed in so we could enjoy the fun, too! We can't wait for our turn to get to meet and hold and play with this little guy! And now I'm the only pregnant Wyss left!
It is extra special that this happened during week 20 - last time I was 20 weeks pregnant (with Caidyn) Nate and Bridget got engaged! What a full circle we have come in!
Tuesday I battled some sciatica pain, but came home and stretched a TON to help relieve it. I'm mostly left with soreness today and a thankful heart for what could have been (and hopefully still isn't) the start of a very long and painful second half of this pregnancy.
I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that we are already more than half done with this pregnancy. It seems so surreal and we are so excited about our future as a family of four! Caidyn just loves "her baby" and its so adorable. She will literally sometimes be doing something else, sneak a peak up and see the belly, and just stops and comes over saying, "Hi Baby Ellie" and hugs and kisses the belly. I have had many a dirty outfit since she is often mid snack or meal at the time and that dirty face just can't help but give kisses. It is so worth it though and I am so thankful she is so excited for this new role she is going to step in to.
We can't wait to meet you, Eleanor Rose!
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