Specifically, his parents.
Caidyn LOVES this show. She asks all the time if she can watch Daniel Tiger.
This is by far my favorite show she watches. Her favorite characters change weekly, and they are always so random. A few weeks ago it was Daniel Tiger's Daddy. Last week it was Baker Aker. Right now I would say it is a tie between Caterina and Baby Margaret.
The reason this show is my favorite is simple. Listening to Daniel Tiger makes me a better parent.
I know that sounds ridiculous but hear me out.
I can't figure out what Daniel Tiger's parents do for a living that they are always home with their children. But it doesn't matter. What does matter is how excellent their reactions are to the struggles of parenthood. Frustrated kid? Perfect response. Sad kid? Perfect response.
They are literally the most patient and understanding parents ever. But, they don't get walked all over. They don't get walked all over, Daniel learns a lesson, and everyone ends up happy.
About 2 months ago I started duplicating what I was hearing. When Caidyn would get frustrated I would respond the ways Daniel's parents respond. If she was sad or angry or needed to say sorry I would respond the way they responded - down to the little songs they incorporate which was definitely awkward. But then magic happened. IT WORKED! She responded the way Daniel did - with understanding, growth, and like an actual good child who listens to their parents. Just like Daniel, she doesn't learn it forever the first time (or 4th, or 2938th) but the process gets a little quicker each time.
Daniel Tiger has made me a better parent. And I owe my new found patience and skills to the DT.
**Side note, I realize everyone has differing opinions on screen time for children. We kind of let Caidyn self regulate since she rarely wants to watch anything longer than 10-15 minutes at a time (and by rarely I mean if she is feeling well, she's done after 15 minutes 98% of the time). We also always try and distract her the first two times she asks, but if our attempts at conversation or distracting her with a toy or book don't deter her, we let her watch. She interacts with the show and doesn't just passively watch and will answer questions about what is going on (or sometimes just narrate it to herself) so we know she is comprehending what is happening. Not everyone's style, but it is ours. Judge away, but remember I have parent love, too ;)**
**Another side note, she mostly watches on Amazon Instant Video. We love prime so much and this is just one of the 1092912 reasons why. We can download some episodes to our phones or her kindle so we aren't pulling data all the time and she knows how to get in.**
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