I will admit I was very nervous about post-partum depression. My body does not do hormonal changes very well (each time I tried a birth control pill I became depressed and it quickly went away after stopping) and I didn't do well with little sleep. I made extra sure to be very in check with my emotions after Caidyn was born to ensure I sought help before anything went downhill.
And then she was here. My tiny new best friend who loved to cuddle and needed me so much. And I was so in love.

In my sleep deprived and emotionally aware state, I knew I loved this little being. I loved her so much that it felt irrational. I had never loved anything like that in my whole life, and especially never so soon. It truly felt irrational and a bit insane and almost worried me.
And then one day I was watching Brian with her. And my goodness it was so apparent he loved that little girl just as much as me.

So here we were, insane together. It made sense that we would both have these irrationally strong feelings - we were both sleep deprived and she was just so amazing.
And then I began to notice other moms and dads and their interactions with their children. And you could see they had that irrational love too. Every mom and dad I came across looked at their child with those same lovey eyes we had and those same irrational thoughts. Except it wasn't irrational, it was parent's love. And we all have it for our children.
It is by far my most favorite thing about parenthood. I love to listen to people talk and brag about their children. I get it in a way I never did before. A parent's love is life-altering in the best way possible. And I love it so much.
And we still are insanely in love with Caidyn and her soon-to-arrive sister tiny Ellie.

I keep this love in my head when listening to and giving parenting tips and tricks. No matter what parenting choices anyone makes, I know they are doing it with this love driving their decisions. It makes mom's groups and message boards a much happier place ;)
I also try and share this with my friends and family members around when their first child arrives. No one likes to think they are crazy! But mostly its for selfish reasons - so they remember to tell me their story of when they went through each phase. Because I really do love love - and parent love is my most favorite!
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